Gesha Coffee Gesha Village Coffee Estate


We taste Orange Blossom Water, White Chocolate, & Jasmine. This coffee is rich, silky, and sweet. The structure is centered around a delicate balance of subtle florality. There are hints of white tea and creamy sweet notes as well.

Gesha Village Coffee Estate. Gesha Village Chaka. Ethiopia Gesha Village.

Gesha Coffee: Your new favorite pour-over?

Dynamic. Clean. Subtle.  Floral. This Ethiopian bean is one of the more refreshing and chuggable coffees we’ve had in a long time. Delicate but clear, crisp red apple spread broadly across a sparkling harmonious palate. We love waking up to the diverse floral aromas of this coffee in the grinder. V60 or bigger batches in the Chemex with family and friends are approachable and fun. We are always waking up and smelling the tea roses when this coffee is on the bar.

The flavor palate of this Gesha coffee blossoms over time. We recommend resting the beans and serving them 5-8 days from placing your order for.

Coarse ground, higher temp (210F), well agitated brews brought out white tea, sandalwood, and lilac in aroma and in the cup. Quickly brewed cups with a finer grind and cooler water temp were full of sweeter notes like melon, fresh strawberry, and rooibos tea. Lots of fun subtle floral notes and hints of sweet citrus in the finish make this coffee a smooth, classic cup.

Gesha Village Coffee Estate

This coffee is from the Gesha Village Coffee Estate in the West Omo zone of Ethiopia just a few kilometers from the southern border of Sudan. It’s about 20 kilometers from the Gori Gesha wild coffee forest. This is where the infamous Panamanian Geisha or Gesha varietal of coffee was first discovered.

This part of the world is where Arabica coffee originated. That heritage and many arduous years of preparation and execution are what brings us this wonderful bean today.


About the Poducer








Rachel Samuel was born in Ethiopia. In 2007, she returned with Adam Overton. They were commissioned by the Ethiopian government to make a documentary about the amazing coffee that’s produced there. The journey invoked in them a passion for the country, the people, and the legendary coffee industry.

They immediately began searching for a plot of land that would be used for their own coffee farm. It would take a few years to find just the right spot.

In 2009, they met Willem Boot. He is the owner of Boot Coffee and the Panamanian Geisha farm Finca La Mula. From him they learned the fundamentals of growing specialty coffee and found themselves searching for a place to grow Gesha in Ethiopia. 2 years later, Rachel and Adam would become co-founders of the Gesha Village Coffee Estate when they acquired a lease for over 1100 acres in Bench Maji.

The estate is dedicated to an agroforestry method of farming. When they arrived, about 25% of the land had been deforested. They meticulously studied the coffee varietals found on the site. After consulting an expert, they decided to plant only about 2000 native coffee trees a hectare. Gesha 1931, Gori Gesha, and Illububar Forest varietals were planted in 8 specific sections of the farm

Those trees were paired with 30,000 native shade trees per hectare to revitalize and maintain the terroir. The farm also focuses on water conservation, sustainable materials, and composting as part of its commitment to environmental quality.

The owners of Gesha Village Coffee Estate also met frequently with the leaders of the indigenous Meanit people that live on the land. They spent countless hours creating infrastructure in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way and based these actions on the concerns and desires of the Meanit people.

They hired Akalu Woubishet to be their farm manager and established a pay scale that compensated farmers at multiple times the rate they would receive at other farms in the area. In 2021, a high school was constructed on the farm. The first in the region.

They did everything to protect the ancient natural forests on the property while empowering and uplifting the community. Their goal is for Gesha Village Coffee Estate to become,”…the finest, most environmentally conscious coffee farm in Ethiopia…”

Geisha Coffee or Gesha Coffee?

This coffee is a hybrid varietal of the Arabica plant family. It originated in the Gori Gesha forest of Ethiopia in 1931. British colonials reference a “Geisha Mountain” in 1936 when cataloguing the region and the homonymic misnomer stuck. However, this is a misspelling and the coffee has no connection to Japan.

The Kafa language of this region in Ethiopia being an oral language is most likely at the root of this romanization. That is to say, westerners probably used a spelling they already knew, “Geisha”, when it was first written down. In conclusion, we refer to all coffees of this varietal under the name Gesha or Geisha based on the name the farm utilizes in order to preserve traceability and transparency.

It was 2004 when the coffee variety from the Peterson family farm, Hacienda La Esmeralda, astonished the specialty coffee scene on the Best of Panama auction stage. The story goes that the flavor profile ended up tricking some judges into thinking Ethiopian coffees had made it onto the cupping table somehow. The varietal continues to break records at auction garnering up to four figure prices for a single pound!

Above all, it is as interesting as it is delicious. Finalists at global coffee contests have frequently featured it for good reason. Its exceptional florality and overall complexity make it a hearty competitor.

Natural Process  Gori Gesha Coffee


This is a blend of coffees from all of the estate’s farm block areas and the entire production season. It goes through the following phases before being sent to roast:

  • Firstly, they wash and float the cherries at a very ripe stage to sort out any defects.
  • Secondly, coffee is fermented for 80 hours, whole cherry in a sealed plastic tank with the addition of mossto.
  • Finally, it is sun-dried on raised African beds for 30 days until it reaches approximately 11 percent moisture.

For more awesome washed coffees check out Pink Bourbon Coffee from Villa Betulia.

Gesha coffee. Gesha Village Coffee Estate. Gesha Village Chaka. Ethiopia Gesha Village.